Week 5
It was raining a lot today, so the students stayed in and explored the club website and photo gallery. Later, two photographers brave enough to go out in the rain took pictures with Ms. Heespelink.
Kenny: I took a picture of a stange looking bird that looked like a kiwi. I took a picture of it because it looked like a kiwi and a kiwi is rare to be found around these parts so it would be cool to have a picture of a rare bird. I also took a picture of a purple tulip. I took a picture of it because it reminded me of my mom because she likes the color purple and the color lilac.
Natasha: I took a picture of all the flowers that were in the side of the school. When I went outside it was raining. The flowers in the fence were all different colors. I took a picture of the tree next to the wildflower seeds. No wildflowers were growing yet.
You can see all of our photos from Week 5 in the Gallery.

You can see all of our photos from Week 5 in the Gallery.
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